Thursday, January 10, 2019

389 Directory Server 1.3.x Replication

389 Directory Server 1.3.x Replication

Last time we added users and groups to our directory, see 389 Directory Server 1.3.x Users, Groups and ACIs.

Let's create some redundancy by using multi-master replication today. The outline is as following (first supplier is ldap01, second supplier will be ldap02):

  • Install a second VM with an empty userRoot, but with the same TLS and password policy settings
  • Enable the change log
  • Configure read-write replicas (replication settings and replication manager)
  • Set up replication agreements
  • Start the replication on the first supplier, pushing all changes to the second supplier

We have to create another 389-ds instance on a new VM, see 389 Directory Server 1.3.x on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6. We just have to change a single line in setup.inf. Instead of /tmp/userRoot.ldif make it InstallLdifFile=none.

Done that? Fresh 389-ds instance ldap02 up and running? Same suffix (dc=unix,dc=mycompany,dc=com)? SSL key/certificate created and TLS enabled? Password policy (you can't set passwordAdminDN right now because the directory is empty, you'll have to do that later when both directory servers are in sync) in place? Good!

Let's start with the changelog, replica settings and replication manager on ldap01.

dirsrv@ldap01 $ ldapadd -D "cn=Directory Manager" -y /etc/dirsrv/.dmpw -x -ZZ
dn: cn=changelog5,cn=config
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: extensibleObject
cn: changelog5
nsslapd-changelogdir: /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-$(hostname -s)/changelogdb
# Red Hat recommends setting the maximum changelog age to 7 days.
# the following attribute should match nsds5ReplicaPurgeDelay (604800s == 7d)
nsslapd-changelogmaxage: 7d

dn: cn=replica,cn=dc\=unix\,dc\=mycompany\,dc\=com,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: nsds5replica
objectClass: extensibleObject
cn: replica
nsDS5ReplicaRoot: dc=unix,dc=mycompany,dc=com
# set a unique ID for suppliers
nsDS5ReplicaId: 1
# 3 consumer/supplier (updateable)
nsDS5ReplicaType: 3
# 1: The replica writes to the changelog; this is the default for hubs and suppliers.
nsDS5Flags: 1
# the following attribute should match nsslapd-changelogmaxage (7d == 604800s)
nsDS5ReplicaPurgeDelay: 604800
nsDS5ReplicaBindDN: cn=Replication Manager,cn=config

dirsrv@ldap01 $ RMPW="$(pwmake 192)"
dirsrv@ldap01 $ echo -n $RMPW > /etc/dirsrv/.rmpw
dirsrv@ldap01 $ chmod 400 /etc/dirsrv/.rmpw
dirsrv@ldap01 $ ldapadd -D "cn=Directory Manager" -xy /etc/dirsrv/.dmpw -ZZ
dn: cn=Replication Manager,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: device
objectClass: simpleSecurityObject
cn: Replication Manager
userPassword: $(pwdhash -s PBKDF2_SHA256 $(< /etc/dirsrv/.rmpw))
passwordExpirationTime: 20380119031407Z
nsIdleTimeout: 0

Let's do the same on ldap02. The only difference here is nsDS5ReplicaId which has to be unique.

dirsrv@ldap02 $ ldapadd -D "cn=Directory Manager" -y /etc/dirsrv/.dmpw -x -ZZ
dn: cn=changelog5,cn=config
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: extensibleObject
cn: changelog5
nsslapd-changelogdir: /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-$(hostname -s)/changelogdb
nsslapd-changelogmaxage: 7d

dn: cn=replica,cn=dc\=unix\,dc\=mycompany\,dc\=com,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: nsds5replica
objectClass: extensibleObject
cn: replica
nsDS5ReplicaRoot: dc=unix,dc=mycompany,dc=com
# set a unique ID for suppliers!
nsDS5ReplicaId: 2
nsDS5ReplicaType: 3
nsDS5Flags: 1
nsDS5ReplicaPurgeDelay: 604800
nsDS5ReplicaBindDN: cn=Replication Manager,cn=config

dirsrv@ldap02 $ RMPW="$(pwmake 192)"
dirsrv@ldap02 $ echo -n $RMPW > /etc/dirsrv/.rmpw
dirsrv@ldap02 $ chmod 400 /etc/dirsrv/.rmpw
dirsrv@ldap02 $ ldapadd -D "cn=Directory Manager" -xy /etc/dirsrv/.dmpw -ZZ
dn: cn=Replication Manager,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: device
objectClass: simpleSecurityObject
cn: Replication Manager
userPassword: $(pwdhash -s PBKDF2_SHA256 $(< /etc/dirsrv/.rmpw))
passwordExpirationTime: 20380119031407Z
nsIdleTimeout: 0

That's it for ldap02 for now, back to ldap01. Next on the list is the replication agreement. We need the clear-text Replication Manager password (see /etc/dirsrv/.rmpw) from ldap02 for this. Let's do a connection test, too, before we start the replication refresh.

dirsrv@ldap01 $ openssl s_client -connect -starttls ldap -CAfile /etc/openldap/certs/CA.crt < /dev/null
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)
dirsrv@ldap01 $ ldapadd -D "cn=Directory Manager" -xy /etc/dirsrv/.dmpw -ZZ
dn: cn=ReplicaAgreement,cn=replica,cn=dc\=unix\,dc\=mycompany\,dc\=com,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: nsds5ReplicationAgreement
cn: ReplicaAgreement
nsDS5ReplicaPort: 389
nsDS5ReplicaBindDN: cn=Replication Manager,cn=config
nsDS5ReplicaCredentials: ***clear-text RMPW from ldap02***
nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod: SIMPLE
nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo: TLS
nsDS5ReplicaRoot: dc=unix,dc=mycompany,dc=com
description: replication agreement between ldap01 and ldap02
nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule: 0000-2359 0123456

dn: cn=ReplicaAgreement,cn=replica,cn=dc\=unix\,dc\=mycompany\,dc\=com,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: nsDS5BeginReplicaRefresh
nsDS5BeginReplicaRefresh: start

dirsrv@ldap01 $ tail /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-$(hostname -s)/errors
[...] NSMMReplicationPlugin - repl5_tot_run - Finished total update of replica "agmt="cn=ReplicaAgreement" (ldap02:389)". Sent 207 entries.

dirsrv@ldap02 $ tail /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-$(hostname -s)/errors
[...] NSMMReplicationPlugin - multimaster_be_state_change - Replica dc=unix,dc=mycompany,dc=com is coming online; enabling replication

And do the same on ldap02. We're not starting a nsDS5BeginReplicaRefresh here because the sync was already done on ldap01.

dirsrv@ldap02 $ ldapadd -D "cn=Directory Manager" -xy /etc/dirsrv/.dmpw -ZZ
dn: cn=ReplicaAgreement,cn=replica,cn=dc\=unix\,dc\=mycompany\,dc\=com,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: nsds5ReplicationAgreement
cn: ReplicaAgreement
nsDS5ReplicaPort: 389
nsDS5ReplicaBindDN: cn=Replication Manager,cn=config
nsDS5ReplicaCredentials: ***clear-text RMPW from ldap01 ***
nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod: SIMPLE
nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo: TLS
nsDS5ReplicaRoot: dc=unix,dc=mycompany,dc=com
description: replication agreement between ldap02 and ldap01
nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule: 0000-2359 0123456

dirsrv@ldap02 $ ldapsearch -LLL -D "cn=Directory Manager" -xy /etc/dirsrv/.dmpw -ZZ \
  -b 'cn=ReplicaAgreement,cn=replica,cn=dc\=unix\,dc\=mycompany\,dc\=com,cn=mapping tree,cn=config' \
dn: cn=ReplicaAgreement,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dunix\2Cdc\3Dmycompany\2Cdc\3Dcom,cn
 =mapping tree,cn=config
nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus: Error (0) Replica acquired successfully: Increme
 ntal update succeeded

And that's it. Our directory is nicely replicated to another instance and all changes made on any server are transferred to the other now.

Read the next part at 389 Directory Server 1.3.x LDAP client authentication.


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389 Directory Server 1.3.x LDAP client authentication

389 Directory Server 1.3.x LDAP client authentication Last time we did a multi-master replication setup, see 389 Directory Server 1.3.x Repl...