Friday, December 28, 2018

389 Directory Server 1.3.x on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6

389 Directory Server 1.3.x on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6

Well you know the saying, all good things must come to an end. So we're going to replace Oracle's DSEE with 389 Directory Server today.

To get started we need to install 389-ds and do a silent setup:

[root@ldap01~]# yum -y install 389-ds-base
Loaded plugins: ulninfo
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package 389-ds-base.x86_64 0: will be installed

[root@ldap01~]# cat << EOF > /etc/sudoers.d/dirsrv
dirsrv $(hostname -s) = (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl start dirsrv@$(hostname -s), \
  /bin/systemctl stop dirsrv@$(hostname -s), \
  /bin/systemctl restart dirsrv@$(hostname -s)
[root@ldap01~]# chmod 440 /etc/sudoers.d/dirsrv
[root@ldap01~]# visudo -c

[root@ldap01~]# pwmake 192 | tr -d '\n' > /etc/dirsrv/.dmpw
[root@ldap01~]# chown dirsrv:dirsrv /etc/dirsrv/.dmpw
[root@ldap01~]# chmod 400 /etc/dirsrv/.dmpw

[root@ldap01~]# cat << EOF > /tmp/userRoot.ldif
dn: dc=unix,dc=mycompany,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: domain
#  The 'dc' ('domainComponent' in RFC 1274) attribute type is a string
# holding one component, a label, of a DNS domain name.
# Examples: Valid values include "example" and "com" but not
# "". The latter is invalid as it contains multiple
# domain components.
dc: unix
aci: (targetattr != "userPassword")(version 3.0;acl "Anonymous read-search acc
 ess"; allow (read, search, compare)(userdn = "ldap:///anyone");)
aci: (targetattr = "*")(version 3.0; acl "allow all Admin group"; allow(all) g
 roupdn = "ldap:///cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=mycompany,dc=com";

dn: ou=Groups,dc=unix,dc=mycompany,dc=com
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalUnit
ou: Groups

dn: cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=unix,dc=mycompany,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
cn: Directory Administrators
ou: Groups
uniqueMember: cn=Directory Manager

dn: ou=People,dc=unix,dc=mycompany,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: People
aci: (targetattr = "gecos || loginShell || userPassword")(version 3.0;acl "All
 ow self entry modification";allow (write)(userdn = "ldap:///self");)

dn: ou=Special Users,dc=unix,dc=mycompany,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: Special Users
description: Special Administrative Accounts

[root@ldap01~]# cat << EOF > /tmp/setup.inf
FullMachineName=$(hostname -f)

RootDN=cn=Directory Manager
RootDNPwd=$(pwdhash -s PBKDF2_SHA256 $(< /etc/dirsrv/.dmpw))
ServerIdentifier=$(hostname -s)

[root@ldap01~]# -s -f /tmp/setup.inf
Your new DS instance 'ldap01' was successfully created.
[root@ldap01~]# systemctl enable dirsrv@$(hostname -s)

We want a STARTTLS/LDAPS only server, so we need to create a CA, certificate and a key. See nginx on Solaris 11.3 SRU 19 with EC crypto and HTTP/2 support for how to do that with OpenSSL or How to create a SSL CA/certificate/key with pktool. I will just use the ECC files for now but I'm pretty sure I'll need all of them for older, non ECC clients.

Either way, you should have the following files now: CA.crt, server.crt, server.key and/or server-ecc.crt, server-ecc.key.

[root@ldap01~]# su -m dirsrv
dirsrv@ldap01 $ ldapadd -D "cn=Directory Manager" -xy /etc/dirsrv/.dmpw -h localhost -p 389
# enable the RSA cipher family,
# setting the NSS database security device,
# and the server certificate nickname
dn: cn=RSA,cn=encryption,cn=config
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: nsEncryptionModule
nsSSLPersonalitySSL: server-cert
nsSSLActivation: on
nsSSLToken: internal (software)
cn: RSA

# Enable TLS, tweak some defaults and sprinkle some security settings
dn: cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: nsslapd-security
nsslapd-security: on
# Preventing Directory Server to Start If the Certificate Has Been Expired
replace: nsslapd-validate-cert
nsslapd-validate-cert: on
# require simple binds to occur over a secure connection (SSL/TLS or Start TLS)
replace: nsslapd-require-secure-binds
nsslapd-require-secure-binds: on
# Disable anon binds except for the root dse
replace: nsslapd-allow-anonymous-access
nsslapd-allow-anonymous-access: rootdse
# A file descriptor is used whenever a client connects to the server
# and also for some server activities, such as index maintenance.
replace: nsslapd-maxdescriptors
nsslapd-maxdescriptors: 16384
replace: nsslapd-listen-backlog-size
nsslapd-listen-backlog-size: 256

# only accept TLS 1.2 connections
# leave the TLS1.0 default for older clients
# such as RHEL6, SLES11, Solaris 10!
dn: cn=encryption,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: sslVersionMin
sslVersionMin: TLS1.2

dn: cn=config
changetype: modify
# Set a minimum SSF to disable insecure connections to a directory
# XXX changing the SSF has effects immediately!
# only change this at the very end or the ldapadd connection will drop!
replace: nsslapd-minssf
nsslapd-minssf: 128

dirsrv@ldap01 $ sudo systemctl stop dirsrv@$(hostname -s)

dirsrv@ldap01 $ NSSPW="$(pwmake 192)"
dirsrv@ldap01 $ echo -n "$NSSPW" > /etc/dirsrv/.nsspw
dirsrv@ldap01 $ chmod 400 /etc/dirsrv/.nsspw
dirsrv@ldap01 $ certutil -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-$(hostname -s)/ -N -f /etc/dirsrv/.nsspw
dirsrv@ldap01 $ chmod 600 /etc/dirsrv/slapd-$(hostname -s)/*.db
dirsrv@ldap01 $ echo -n "Internal (Software) Token:$NSSPW" > /etc/dirsrv/slapd-$(hostname -s)/pin.txt
dirsrv@ldap01 $ chmod 400 /etc/dirsrv/slapd-$(hostname -s)/pin.txt
dirsrv@ldap01 $ touch /etc/dirsrv/slapd-$(hostname -s)/pkcs11.txt
dirsrv@ldap01 $ chmod 600 /etc/dirsrv/slapd-$(hostname -s)/pkcs11.txt
dirsrv@ldap01 $ certutil -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-$(hostname -s)/ -A -n "CA" -t "CT,," -f /etc/dirsrv/.nsspw -i .../CA.crt
dirsrv@ldap01 $ openssl pkcs12 -export -in .../server-ecc.crt -inkey .../server-ecc.key \
                  -out /tmp/servercert.p12 -name "server-cert" -passout file:/etc/dirsrv/.nsspw
dirsrv@ldap01 $ pk12util -i /tmp/servercert.p12 -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-$(hostname -s)/ -k /etc/dirsrv/.nsspw -w /etc/dirsrv/.nsspw
dirsrv@ldap01 $ certutil -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-$(hostname -s)/ -V -n "server-cert" -u V
certutil: certificate is valid

[root@ldap01~]# systemctl restart dirsrv@$(hostname -s)
[root@ldap01~]# cp .../CA.crt /etc/openldap/certs/
[root@ldap01~]# cat << EOF > /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
BASE dc=unix,dc=mycompany,dc=com
URI ldap://$(hostname -f)

TLS_CACERT /etc/openldap/certs/CA.crt

dirsrv@ldap01 $ openssl s_client -connect $(hostname -f):389 -starttls ldap -CAfile /etc/openldap/certs/CA.crt < /dev/null
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)
dirsrv@ldap01 $ openssl s_client -connect $(hostname -f):636 -CAfile /etc/openldap/certs/CA.crt < /dev/null
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)
dirsrv@ldap01 $ ldapsearch -LLL -D "cn=Directory Manager" -xy /etc/dirsrv/.dmpw \
                  -ZZ -s base -b 'cn=encryption,cn=config' sslVersionMin
dn: cn=encryption,cn=config
sslVersionMin: TLS1.2

And that was the first part. Short recap we have installed 389-ds on RHEL, we configured it with our chosen suffix, created a new SSL certificate/key and enabled TLS-only connections to the directory server. Also we did some LDAP client configuration in /etc/openldap/ldap.conf.

Read the next part here 389 Directory Server 1.3.x Password Policy.


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