Monday, April 17, 2017

How to create a SSL CA/certificate/key with pktool

How to create a SSL CA/certificate/key with pktool

We'll create some SSL certificates for our https IPS repo and a SonarQube SSL reverse proxy in the next few blog posts. This post is about how to use pktool to do that.

Let's start with creating a new CA. The default RSA key length is 2048 bit and the default hash algorithm is SHA-256 which should both be fine till 2022.

$ FQDN=$(perl -mNet::Domain -e 'print Net::Domain::hostfqdn()')
$ HOSTNAME=$(hostname)

$ CA_ISSUER="C=DE, ST=Berlin, L=Berlin, O=My Company, OU=Unix Dep, emailAddress=unix.dep@$FQDN, CN=Unix Dep CA"
$ CA_SERIAL=$(perl -e 'print time;' | digest -a md5 | sed 's/^../0x/')
$ pktool gencert keystore=file format=pem serial=$CA_SERIAL \
  keyusage=keyCertSign outkey=CA.key outcert=CA.crt  \
  lifetime=3-year keytype=rsa \

Congratulations, you're a CA now ;-)

Now we can create SSL keys/certificates. CN and DNS altname *must* be our servers FQDN.

$ pktool gencsr keystore=file format=pem keytype=rsa \
  outkey=server.key outcsr=server.csr eku=serverAuth \
  subject="C=DE, ST=Berlin, L=Berlin, O=My Company, OU=Unix Dep, emailAddress=webservd@FQDN, CN=$FQDN" \
  altname="DNS=$FQDN,DNS=$HOSTNAME" \

Let's sign the certificate signing request with our CA.

$ CERT_SERIAL=$(perl -e 'print time;' | digest -a md5 | sed 's/^../0x/')

$ pktool signcsr keystore=file format=pem serial=$CERT_SERIAL \
  csr=server.csr signkey=CA.key outcert=server.crt lifetime=1-year \
  eku=serverAuth issuer="$CA_ISSUER"

And we're done. The CA certificate in CA.crt belongs to /etc/certs/CA.

# cp CA.crt /etc/certs/CA/UNIX_Dep_CA.pem
# chown root:sys /etc/certs/CA/UNIX_Dep_CA.pem
# svcadm refresh -s svc:/system/ca-certificates:default
# ls -l /etc/openssl/certs/ | grep UNIX
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          30 Apr 18 10:14 3b6acb2b.0 -> ../../certs/CA/UNIX_Dep_CA.pem

The files server.crt and server.key are used for the SSL web/ldap/etc. server.


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