Thursday, April 13, 2017

OMG We have so many TCP retransmits... Or not.

OMG We have so many TCP retransmits... Or not.

So you came into the office and a chat window pops up, saying a Solaris 11 zone is having issues. The problem was already found, TCP retransmits all over the place...

$ netstat -s -P tcp | /usr/xpg4/bin/grep -E 'tcpOutDataBytes|tcpRetransBytes'
        tcpOutDataSegs      =3943655938 tcpOutDataBytes     =868103525
        tcpRetransSegs      =588588     tcpRetransBytes     =516389125

Not bad, that's a 60 % retransmission rate.

Is it? We recall our SA-400 Solaris System performance management training and start investigating.

First, let's check if netstat is based on dtrace, procfs or kstat...

$ truss -ftioctl netstat -s -P tcp
28803:  ioctl(3, I_PUSH, "tcp")                         = 0
28803:  ioctl(3, I_PUSH, "udp")                         = 0
28803:  ioctl(3, I_PUSH, "icmp")                        = 0
28803:  ioctl(4, KSTAT_IOC_CHAIN_ID, 0x00000000)        = 3714269
28803:  ioctl(4, KSTAT_IOC_READ, "kstat_headers")       Err#12 ENOMEM
28803:  ioctl(4, KSTAT_IOC_READ, "kstat_headers")       = 3714269
28803:  ioctl(1, TCGETA, 0xFF59C734)                    = 0

So it's using the venerable kstat provider...

$ kstat -p tcp:0:tcp:outDataBytes -p tcp:0:tcp:retransBytes
tcp:0:tcp:outDataBytes  2065463549
tcp:0:tcp:retransBytes  517472499

That rings some bells... Let's check the source (should still be valid for Solaris 11.3) at

470     { "outDataBytes",   KSTAT_DATA_UINT32, 0 },
471     { "retransBytes",   KSTAT_DATA_UINT32, 0 },

Looks like the counters are using uint32_t integer types. See Fixed width integer types

And uint32_t can get how big exactly (/usr/include/stdint.h includes /usr/include/sys/stdint.h which includes /usr/include/sys/int_limits.h)?

$ grep -w UINT32_MAX /usr/include/sys/*
/usr/include/sys/int_limits.h:#define   UINT32_MAX      (4294967295U)

So we get an outDataBytes integer overflow every UINT32_MAX bytes.

$ kstat -p tcp:0:tcp:outDataBytes -p tcp:0:tcp:retransBytes 5
tcp:0:tcp:outDataBytes  4260947220
tcp:0:tcp:retransBytes  519501630

tcp:0:tcp:outDataBytes  4292542537
tcp:0:tcp:retransBytes  519502160

wait for it...

tcp:0:tcp:outDataBytes  66427847
tcp:0:tcp:retransBytes  519528716

Guess our 60 % TCP retransmission rate is not what it seems.

Let's use DTrace just to make sure.

# cat tcp_retransmits.d
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s

#pragma D option quiet

/ (args[2]->ip_plength - args[4]->tcp_offset) > 0 /
    @transmit[args[2]->ip_daddr, args[4]->tcp_dport] =
        sum(args[2]->ip_plength - args[4]->tcp_offset);

/ (args[2]->ip_plength - args[4]->tcp_offset) > 0 &&
  args[3]->tcps_retransmit == 1/
    @retransmit[args[2]->ip_daddr, args[4]->tcp_dport] =
        sum(args[2]->ip_plength - args[4]->tcp_offset);

    printf("%-25s %-15s %-15s %-15s\n",
        "Remote host", "Port", "BytesSent", "BytesResent");

    printa("%-25s %-15d %@-15d %@-15d\n",
        @transmit, @retransmit);


# ./tcp_retransmits.d
Remote host           Port            BytesSent       BytesResent
10.x.x.x              34286           130646          170
10.x.x.x              53483           5790314         0
10.x.x.x              48394           8183188         2896
10.x.x.x              47664           8602988         0
10.x.x.x              35623           8713439         0
10.x.x.x              52682           8725822         1448
10.x.x.x              48103           8803098         0
10.x.x.x              36497           9101003         510

Nothing to worry about. We have tiny retransmits. Looks like our network is fine.

Do things get better on Solaris 12/ Well netstat is still based on kstat1 and kstat2 doesn't seem to use 64bit integers...

# uname -a
SunOS s12test 5.12 s12_120 sun4v sparc sun4v

# kstat2 -p kstat:/mib2/tcp/tcp/0\;retransBytes -p kstat:/mib2/tcp/tcp/0\;outDataBytes -i 5
kstat:/mib2/tcp/tcp/0;outDataBytes      4239688713
kstat:/mib2/tcp/tcp/0;retransBytes      125307

kstat:/mib2/tcp/tcp/0;outDataBytes      142297693
kstat:/mib2/tcp/tcp/0;retransBytes      125307

So that's a nope :(


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